J.V. Ramana, Inspector of Police, District Special Branch, Krishna
The District Special Branch will be completely under the control of the Superintendent of Police who will take a special and personal interest in maintaining it at a high level of efficiency, and in making it effective as the Chief Intelligence section of the District Police. In particular, the duties of the District Special Branch are as follows:
- To cover public meetings, processions, demonstrations, dramatic performances etc
- to scrutinize News papers, pamphlets and other publications.
- to watch the movements and activities of political and foreign suspects and to exercise surveillance over them
- to arrange for interception of correspondence
- to conduct verification's of character and antecedents
- to attend to the work relating to passports, visas and permits
- to assist in the arrangements for the security of high personages
- to implement security schemes for vital installations
- to make special enquires and to assist at investigation in which political suspects are involved
- to discover the existence of any strong wide spread popular feeling on political, social, economic or religious affairs and other matters
- to report the circulation of rumours, news, letter posters, leaflects etc like to disturb the public peace.
- to assist the local police